1. Generate Printable and SMS Repair Tickets
2. Automatically Send SMS to Customers Worldwide
3. Detailed Reports on Repair Shop Devices
4. Automated Commission Calculation for Technicians
5. Online Registration of Repair Tickets via Mobile and PC
6. Receive SMS Notifications for Technicians after Registering Repair Tickets
7. Customize Access Levels for Technicians
8. Define Technician Commissions for Services and Sales
9. Issue Sales Invoices by Technicians
10. View Device Lists per Technician in Repair Shop
11. Hide Last 4 Digits of Customer Mobile Numbers for Technicians
12. Auto-Manage Shop Shelves
13. Include Device Serials/Plates on Invoices
14. Auto-Notify Status Changes to Customers
15. Online Invoice Viewing via SMS
16. Manage Repairing Devices in 11 Statuses
17. Print Repair Tickets in A4, A5, and Receipt Sizes
18. Print Acceptance Labels with QR Codes
19. Export Reports to Excel
20. Attach Photos of Devices to Repair Tickets
21. Add Company Rules to Repair Tickets
22. Auto-Fill Default Info for Easy Startup
23. Video Tutorials for All Menus and Features
24. Calculate Technician Profit for any Service
25. Financial Status Report for each Technician
26. Define Repair Shop Expenses