Finty’s repair shop ticket comprehensively captures all vital information, including:

Customer Details: Full customer information, from name and contact to ID specifics.

Device Specs: Detailed data on the device being repaired for complete service records.

Device Issues: Clear documentation of device faults to specify repair actions.

Device Accessories: Inventory of related accessories or parts for effective tracking.

Signatures: Designated areas for customer and company signatures to validate the service agreement.

Technician Notes: Technician’s detailed account of the repairs for full transparency.

Contracts: Access to any related repair shop contracts to ensure legal adherence.

One of the biggest concerns of repairmen is communication with the customer and keeping the customer informed about the repair process. Finty has solved many problems by automatically sending SMS and eliminated additional customer calls. In finty , SMS will be sent to the customer when registering a new acceptance, changing the status of the device, delivering the device, issuing a purchase and sales invoice, and you will not need to call and make time-consuming arrangements.

Other Finty SMS features:

Using Finty’s SMS sending system, you can send all types of receipts, micro-invoices and account reminders to debtors.